Monday, March 4, 2013

"What sparks the light in you" - New painting/ Novo quadro

Hi people,
i'm doing a new workshop with Christy Tomlinson ..awesome... i'm loving it!
This is a painting that i did in her class, my girl is a little different..she is older than my other dolls!  Hope you like her! I do!
The name of the workshop is "She Art 3" in case you are interested in joining in!

Olá meus amigos, este quadro é o resultado do novo workshop que estou a fazer com a Christy Tomlinson - "She Art 3" - estou a adorar! A minha menina está um pouco diferente, está um pouco mais crescida! Espero que gostem!!

Canvas 30x3ocm
Tela 30x30cm