Wednesday, March 13, 2013

"A big Journey"- New painting / Quadro novo

Canvas 12x12 / 30x30cm
Tela 30x30cm
available/ disponível
I'm feeling so inspired, just want to create! The workshop from Christy Tomlinson "She art 3" is awesome! Thanks Christy!! This is my third painting since i began this workshop!! Hope you like it!

Sinto tão inspirada! Participar no workshop da Christy Tomlinson "She art 3" tem sido fantástico! Este é o meu terceiro quadro! Espero que gostem!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Painting in progess

Here a sneak peek of one of my paintings from start to finish..

Alguns passos de pintura do meu quadro..

Here i done some collages, add some paint and start drawing and shading my girl.
Aqui fiz algumas colagens, alguma pintura e comecei a desenhar e a pintar a boneca.

Now my girl face is almost finish, i have done the hair and cover the background.
Agora a ela está quase pronta, o fundo foi coberto com tinta.

The final details.
E por fim os detalhes finais.
Canvas 50x50cm
Tela 50x50cm

My daughters say that she looks like me. Maybe this is my self portrait.. What do you think?

Mal as minhas filhas viram o quadro, acharam que era eu..será? Será que é o meu auto retrato? O que acham?



Monday, March 4, 2013

"What sparks the light in you" - New painting/ Novo quadro

Hi people,
i'm doing a new workshop with Christy Tomlinson ..awesome... i'm loving it!
This is a painting that i did in her class, my girl is a little different..she is older than my other dolls!  Hope you like her! I do!
The name of the workshop is "She Art 3" in case you are interested in joining in!

Olá meus amigos, este quadro é o resultado do novo workshop que estou a fazer com a Christy Tomlinson - "She Art 3" - estou a adorar! A minha menina está um pouco diferente, está um pouco mais crescida! Espero que gostem!!

Canvas 30x3ocm
Tela 30x30cm